
2013年6月17日 星期一

Lab 33 Syndication with RSS 2.0

1. 進入你的部落格,登入,選擇設計
2. 新增小工具
3. 選取
資 訊提供
將 RSS 或 Atom 資訊提供的內容加入您的網誌。
Blogger 製作

4. 撰寫或貼上所需連結(範例)

Lab 32 XML (2)

1. Register and Download Xray, an XML, XSLT editor and processor.

2. Given the
Listing 1. An XML document representing the results of a soccer tournament

Listing 2. A basic style sheet for the soccer results

use the XSLT as in the Listing 2 to transform the XML file as in the Listing 1.

3. View the formatted HTML file.
4. Given the
Listing 1. An XML document representing the results of a soccer tournament
Listing 3. A style sheet that computes team standings

compute the team standings in a table.

5. View the formatted HTML file.



Lab 31 XML

1. Register and Download Xray, an XML, XSLT editor and processor.

2. Before you do this lab,all the first you must know is
what is XML?
what is XSLT?
please write down your answer.(least 200 words)

3. Given the the XML file and XSLT file ,
use Xray to do the transformation of the XML into HTML.
You have to replace [ with <.

4. View the formatted HTML file.



2013年6月10日 星期一

Lab 30 Programming in DOM

1. Open KompoZer
2. Based on the code as inhttp://www.scottandrew.com/weblog/articles/dom_4 ,
write a code to generate the table of 9*9 products. (九九乘法表)

Lab 29 Create Image using DOM

1. Open KompoZer
2. Hand code a javascript that loads an image from Internet based on
the DOM model.
3. Take a look at the sample code that shows how window.onload to load the image.
4. Use a button to load the image. Try how onclick works.

2013年6月3日 星期一

Lab 28 Hand code a form

Before you do this lab, you must understand what is CGI(Common Gateway Interface) and Form.

1. So please search the answer and post your opinion in your blog.
2. Hand code a HTML or use KompoZer to edit an HTML so that the webpage can send a request to Google like

Use Form CGI that includes action, input, and submit.
Try a few different coordinates.

Lab 27 Lab Form and Action

Purpose of lab:
Learn how to use Form to invoke a remote service through CGI.

1. Copy the search box of this search page,
inlcuding radio buttons, text input, and submit button.
2. Open your KompoZer HTML editor.
3. Open a new empty HTML file.
4. Paste the search box into this new file.

5. Use KompoZer to add a Form to this search box. Do not hand code the HTML. Just fill the blank in the Form dialog.

6. In the form dialog, set Action="http://google.com/search" and name of Form as "f" and method as "get"
(See Hint if it does not work.)
7. Save your file on your computer. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?

8. Set method as "post"
9. Run your HTML by Firefox. What do you get?

2013年5月20日 星期一

Lab 26 使用HTML 4 和HTML 5的影音播放



HTML播放器是以傳統的HTML語言,用FLASH 檔來播放影片,但現在有些平台沒辦法使用FLASH,而HTML5支援多媒體Audio和Video的標籤,利用<source>方式加載影音格式,而不用傳統的swf格式來進行

2013年5月13日 星期一

Lab 25 Mash-Up 2 (Calendars)



Lab 24 Mash-Up, Part 1 (Maps)

For housing services, compare the following two websites

   Housing Maps整體介面較乾淨、簡單,但也給人未經設計的感覺


   Housing Maps直覺性高,目的一目瞭然


   Housing Maps操作簡單、方便,只需輸入位置及價錢即可找到需要的房屋


   Housing Maps內容簡單方便且操作容易上手,給人的感覺很流暢

Lab 23 navigation bar

1. 進入你的部落格,登入,選擇設計
2. 新增小工具
3. 選取
4. 撰寫或貼上所需連結(範例)

2013年5月6日 星期一

Lab 20 Making web pages accessible

1. Use Firefox Accessibility Extension to identify the accessibility failures and warnings in http://google.com
2. Fix the failures you found.



Lab 22 Making images accessible

1. Study what an ALT tag is.
2. Use KompoZer to edit the following homepage
at http://bloggercamp.blogspot.com/2007/01/2007.html

You can copy and paste the content to your KompoZer.

3. Save your editings and preview your webpage using Firefox

4. Make the webpage accessible by
adding ALT text to the images.

5. Go to the Firefox Add-ons site for Firefox Accessibility Extension

6. Click the "Install now" button on the add-ons website

7. Check whether you can see the ALT text for the images by selecting the "Show Text Equivalent" function.



Lab 21 Firefox Accessibility Extension

Use Firefox Accessibility Extension to check the accessibility of three sites that you visit most.
Report the summary of all the errors and warnings for each site.




2013年4月29日 星期一

Lab 19 More on HTML

1. Copy and paste theTables example athttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp
2. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
3. What kind of effects can you see?

4. Copy and paste the Lists example athttp://www.w3schools.com/html/html_lists.asp
5. Enter http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic
6. What kind of effects can you see?



Lab 18 Google Accessibility

1.Google Search Keys Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link.
2.Google Access Keys Enables navigation through Google search results.


Search Keys

Access Keys

利用(,)為前一頁; (.)為下一頁
並可以利用"數字鍵"來選取連結, 不須使用滑鼠操作

Lab 17 HTML

1.Open the file using Firefox.

2.Introduction to HTML

3.HTML Elements

4.HTML Headings

5.HTML Paragraphs

6.HTML Links

7.HTML Images

2013年4月21日 星期日

Homework 4-15-2013

A = (C/1)*0.85+0.15 = 0.85C+0.15.............(1)
B = (A/2)*0.85+0.15 = 0.425A+0.15...........(2)
C = (A/2+B/1)*0.85+0.15 = 0.425A+0.85B+0.15.........(3)
由(2)(3) => 1.85B = C
代入(1) => A = 1.5725B+0.15.........(4)
(2)再代入(4) => A = 1.5725(0.425A+0.15)+0.15 => A = 1.163
=> B = 0.425*1.163+0.15=0.644
=> C = 1.85*0.644 = 1.19
推得 C > A > B 

Homework 4-8-2013








2013年4月20日 星期六

Homework 3-27-2013

1. 針對前次作業,挑選至少五篇你覺得很用心的文章,針對寫作技巧與文章內涵給予建設性的評語。

9826215 電子四乙 吳駿霖:

9926304 電子三丙 洪皓鈞

9826124 電子四甲 林子平

9926255 電子三乙 林延興

9926203 電子三乙 劉禹廷

2013年4月15日 星期一

Lab 15 Greasemonkey

1.Please read the information about Greasemonkey and cookiebefore you start the lab.

2.Install Greasemonkey 0.9.1. Check the lower right corner of your Firefox and you should find a monkey at the right.

3.Cookie Monster - Show cookie contents: Shows the contents of the current page cookie. Just mouse over the "Cookie" text on the bottom left. Check what cookies http://www.nytimes.com writes to you. Does our class blog use cookie or not? Does Google use cookie?

4.You can turn off Greasemonkey by clicking on the monkey face at the URL bar of Firefox. Click again to activate Greasemonkey.

Lab 14 Using Google PageRank

在Firefox上安裝 PageRank , 然後使用 PageRank 量測以下網站的 PageRank (0~10分)

 紐約時報 <http://www.nytimes.com>  PageRank 9/10

CNN <http://www.cnn.com/> PageRank 8/10

台灣雅虎 <http://tw.yahoo.com> PageRank 8/10

蕃薯藤 <http://www.yam.com> PageRank 7/10

PCHome 購物 <http://shopping.pchome.com.tw/> PageRank 5/10


CYCU <http://www.cycu.edu.tw/> PageRank 7/10

伊莉討論區 <http://www03.eyny.com/index.php> PageRank 5/10

Facebook <https://zh-tw.facebook.com/> PageRank 7/10

Lab 16 Clean Language

1. Save the JavaScript file of Clean Language to your desktop. Make changes to the script with self-defined bad words. To do this, save the JavaScript on your desk top. Use Notepad editor to make changes. Install the modified script as Greasemonkey.

2. Use Google to search webpages that contains some bad words.

3. Try whether the filtering take effects.